Friday, May 4, 2007

If It's True, I'm Gaining

If "No pain, no gain" is true, then I am definitely gaining. Or, if as my nephew says, "It's not pain, it's weakness leaving your body," then I have no weakness left. I am absolutely certain of that fact.

Parts of me hurt that I didn't know I owned. The only swinging I'm doing right now is in a hammock, and then only if there's a stiff breeze...

You see, after 3 weeks of no riding, I'm back in the saddle. But not on my comfy couch Tequila (who had her hocks injected yesterday and is on handwalk A..G..A..I..N--thankfully, looks cannot kill, because she is NOT happy about it) but on Facet. Mr. I'm-so-bouncy-and-and-full-of-suspension-that-you-don't-ever-need-another-ab-workout himself. And, if that weren't enough, I'm redoubling my efforts in Pilates AND I'm going to the gym and working with my soon-to-be-certified-as-a-personal-trainer nephew. Why? He needed a "practice client" and I volunteered. I may have had a few glasses of wine at the time...

Actually, Andy's doing a wonderful job. He knows just how hard to push me, he made a great assessment of my current level of fitness and what muscle groups were strong and which ones weren't (I can do 110 pounds on the thigh adductor machine--which causes the jaws of a lot of the guys to drop, but my quads are pathetically weak and have no endurance), and he's come up with a program to even things out and improve my overall stamina, cardio and strength, and to make it easier for me to ride Facet and Endor. Riding was the main reason I decided I needed to start going to the gym, that Pilates wasn't enough, so I'm glad we're keeping that in the back of our minds.

I feel good when I'm exercising. Once I got to Pilates this morning, it was fine. Once I was riding today, it was fine. Once I was at the gym last night, it was fine. But walking around, simply breathing, and stretching--Oh, God, stretching is particularly a killer--are painful reminders that my body isn't in its twenties anymore. Do any of those three things, and I hurt. A lot.

I just need to get past the next few weeks, though. Particularly the next week or two, and then it will be good. I know this from past experience. That's why I have the personal trainer. My gym membership comes with their pros for 10 sessions, plus I have Andy. And then Jürgen pushes me when I ride, and I have the semi-privates at Pilates to keep pushing me, as well. In the meantime, hot baths, anti-inflammatories and whining should get me through. :wink:

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