Thursday, December 18, 2008

Riding Wins by HUGE Margin

I blogged in my my non-riding blog about having purchased a bodybugg and my frustration that I am NOT a calorie burner.

Nothing much has changed except this one astounding truth:

I burn as many calories while riding AT THE WALK as I do at the most intense part of my workout at the gym, and when we start doing REAL work, I'm burning a whopping 600 calories an hour, which is MORE THAN DOUBLE what I burn during the most intense part of ANY of my gym workouts. So there!!!

Let anybody try to say that riding isn't a sport and that we're not exercising hard now, I double dog dare them!

And that's riding Tequila, my "easy" horse, the one I save for the days when my gym workouts have taken everything out of me and I don't have the stamina and/or endurance to be effective. I can't wait to see what kind of calorie burn I get when I ride Jacco or Facet, though it may be a while until I get that chance because we're so understaffed right now and Jacco has been high as a kite with this weather. Efficiency-wise, it's a lot easier to let Jessi ride him (and no one's got time to give me a lesson on him and I'm not so egotistical to believe that without a lesson I would get much done since I'm still figuring out the buttons and only just beginning to get them straight).

Until Jürgen returns from Christmas with his ailing father, and Birthe from vacation with her parents (and of course, Candice has moved on to her mammal training), life is whacko around here. I understand. At least I've got my old faithful, who is not only fun to ride even after all these years, but she's the best darn calorie burner around and at Christmastime especially, we all need one of those now, don't we?

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