The Dressage Affaire is this coming week, March 15 - 18, and with any luck, we'll get the go ahead to test the waters at Second Level on Saturday March 17. I say "with any luck" because the test requires collection, and as of the last show, we had not demonstrated the ability to collect consistently in the canter (my injured hamstring largely to blame). Jürgen has been riding Quila more this past week (every few days), and I've been conscientious about using heat and stretching the hamstring, so while it's not back to 100%, I'm able to perform pretty much up to snuff in lessons--Quila isn't able to get away with anything. I think I'll be able to hold up through 4 days of showing, especially since I'll have access to heat throughout the show this time (and because Jürgen knows what he's up against, and can plan our warm-ups accordingly).
Our rides at home have gone well. We (Quila and I) did have a bit of an argument over what was to be done in Second Level Test 1 coming out of the corner at M in the canter and going across the short diagonal towards E. In First Level Test 4, the movement calls for a down transition to trot as you cross the center-line, but at Second/1 it is a simple change at the quarter-line. Quila was ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED that Mom was STUPID and so she decided she would take care of it for me, giving me an unrequested down transition. I got after her for it, put more leg on, and tried to tell her "No, stay in canter." She decided I'd lost my mind and that I really meant, "No, come under yourself more in the down transition to trot," so she gave me a spectacular canter-trot transition. IF she gives me that when we ride First Level Test 4, we should get at least a 9--but if she insists on the same in Second Level Test 1, all is lost. I had to smack her with the whip and scold her to get her to listen and wait for the aids. Finaly I saw her ears prick up-- a sign that the wheels were turning: "Oh, you really MEANT simple change, and not at the center-line. I get it." Good girl. After that, life was fine.
I just hope now she won't think we're doing simple changes in the First Level Test 4 tests... Sometimes it's a royal PITA riding a mare that THINKS, but I haven't quite figured out how to avoid it. I tell her and tell her and tell her what it is that I REALLY mean, but she still seems to think that she has to help, and she tries anyway. She's too damn smart. Grrrrr.
At least the shoulder-in went really well yesterday, both directions. So, in general, I'm feeling really good about the show. But then again, this is still horses. You just never know.
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