Saturday, April 14, 2007

Progress Report

Quila's showing slow improvement.

I was beginning to get alarmed when the swelling hadn't gone down at all after the first week, and there was still heat, but FINALLY, the last day or so, it has been looking better. She'll be thrilled when I tell her that tomorrow is the last day of Bute. She hates Bute.

The only part she likes is the twice daily bran mashes. She loves bran mashes. Of course, she'd like to have her grain, too, but given a choice, she'd pick bran mashes over grain in a heart beat. Go figure.

She also hates being handwalked. Anyone that sees us making our 7 laps of the perimeter of the property for our 30 minute stint remarks on it... her head hangs low, and her face, which always has a wealth of expression, has a look that says, "Why am I being punished? What did I do?" She looks absolutely miserable.

She is not a mare that needs words, her voice or action in order to communicate. You only need to look at her face. Her eyes and facial expressions speak volumes. Anyone can read her basic thoughts, and I never have to guess at what she's thinking.

I hope we'll get clearance for tackwalking when she's rescanned. She'd be much happier. That, at least, feels worthwhile to her. She'll have a bounce in her step and stop moping, stop looking like she's being led to the slaughter. I'll have to see if I can find someone to snap a photo... the misery on her face is almost laughable, like a small child with a big pout on.

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