Thursday, April 5, 2007

Say A Prayer...

As if creaky hocks weren't enough, yesterday, when I went to ride Quila, I found a new problem. She had swelling and heat in the suspensory/deep digital flexor tendon area of the right hind--all new. She's never had a problem there before, and she has no reason to have one there now, especially after the last week of work, which is less than 40% of the usual intensity. We've only done basic walk/trot/canter, no circles smaller than 15 meters, no forward/back within the gaits, no lengthenings.

She is the Queen of casting herself, but she's also smart about carefully pushing herself clear of the wall--and I keep her wrapped all the way around for just that reason. Her bandages were undisturbed. I hope it will turn out to be nothing. I iced it twice yesterday, then put her away for the night with it slathered in poultice. The vet is due out today for the hocks... I'll guess he'll be looking at it as well.

I didn't jog her, so I didn't get a sense of lameness. She didn't seem too bad at the walk (but I can never tell a darn thing at the walk, not unless she's so darn lame I can't bear to look).

The photo is from the Dressage Affaire Show, taken by Amy McCool. She said I could post it with attribution. It's our first photo in lateral work--the first one worth claiming, anyway.

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