Sunday, February 25, 2007

July 5, 2006: Lightbulb Revisited

I wanted very much to make it clear to a friend today the difference between how I had been approaching my dressage tests and how I would be approaching them in the future, since they (my friend) seemed no clearer on the concept than I had been until the light bulb went on.

In struggling to make sense of it for them, I realized that I’d been a lot like the driver who waits until they are skidding out of control on black ice and then uses tremendous driving skill to save the car. I’m feeling pretty proud of myself for having those skills (and often feeling like I deserve to be congratulated and perhaps offered sympathy that I’ve had to ride such a “difficult” horse), but really I should have been kicking myself in the seat of the pants for having needed them in the first place. If I was SMART, I would have seen the “black ice” coming, braked well ahead of it in preparation, and not needed to do anything while I was passing through that would have made my car skid out of control. No one would have needed to see what wonderful driving skills I had... and my drive would have been far less gut-wrenching and far more harmonious.

I think I’ll start looking ahead and preparing for those rough spots...

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