Sunday, February 25, 2007

May 6, 2006: Polish & Shine

Based on our performance at Del Mar, and the fact that our leg yields are fully confirmed, I’ve decided that I will voluntarily grit my teeth and show First Level Test 1 again even though I am absolutely positively bored to tears with it. Ego aside, I have to admit that we are far from having perfected it... and in fact, can easily rattle off half-a-dozen things we can do (easily) to improve our scores. As I told Jürgen, teaching Quila to respect my leadership was Phase 1. Riding a classy and elegant test now that I have her on my side is Phase 2. That’s my goal for the show at DG Bar.

The biggest (and most glaring) faults that I saw on reviewing the video from Del Mar is that Quila seems to have a distinct preference for traveling haunches in while cantering. The judges, on the other hand, have a distinct preference that she does not. I tend to side with the judges on that one... We also seem to have a little issue with balance, particularly when I am asking for forward, and when bending in voltés and in turns. This shouldn’t be, and needn’t be--not if I remember to use my half halts. I think, in retrospect, that I got to enjoying having her on my side, and as a result, I stopped riding her with the same intensity and conscientiousness that I normally would. That is NOT a good thing. So I have made myself two promises, both for schooling at home and for riding in the show:
1) Quila’s haunches will follow her shoulders at all times.
2) No corner will go wasted--I will make use of every opportunity to balance her, and will half halt her regularly. I will be continually checking in to see that we remain in balance.

If I can effect these simple changes while retaining my leadership, I expect that our scores will go up substantially. They most definitely will NOT go down. Jürgen liked my plan, and our rides went well as a result of them. (We’ve also been practicing going from moments of peak positive tension into the relaxation of the free walk, and then back through medium walk to trot again, so as to avoid the walk issues we had, and we’ve been practicing our stretchy circle).

I’ve essentially blogged about my feelings on the Del Mar rides on the page with the videos.

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